他花整整8年時間 耗資「300萬美元」立志消滅所有近視眼!以後再也看不到眼鏡了~
Amazon.com: Office Mac Home & Student 2011 Key Card (1PC/1User): Software本文轉自日本設計小站(ID:japandesign),已獲得其授權 現在近視的人是越來越多了 現在的小朋友更是從小就接觸各種手機、iPad。。 結果,摘下眼鏡後世界是這樣的。。 With over 1 billion PCs and Macs running Office, Microsoft Office is the most-trusted and most-used productivity suite ever. And Office for Mac 2011 is here to help you do more with your Mac your way. Use familiar applications like Word, Excel, and PowerP...