office modi

有問必答…MODI 在哪裡? - Office IT Pro 部落格 - Site Home - TechNet Blogs很擔心那個椅子~ Microsoft Office 產品開發小組官方部落格 ... 英文原文已於 2011 年 10 月 25 日星期二發佈 首先,您可能會想問:「什麼是 MODI?」 MODI 為 Microsoft Office Document Imaging 的簡寫,是一個 Microsoft Office 應用程式,能夠支援編輯 Microsoft Office Document ......


[C#]使用 Microsoft Office Document Imaging(MODI) 做光學字元辨識(OCR) - 小歐ou | 菜鳥自救會- 點部落太讚了!!!     超準預測!你下半年愛情運勢re: [C#]使用 Microsoft Office Document Imaging(MODI) 做光學字元辨識(OCR) 回覆 大大上面的方法我有成功的使用出來了 但是我遇到了一個困難 // MODI.Document 創建 modiDocument.Create(strFileName); 因為在我的程式中,有把影像先做前置 ......


OCR with Microsoft® Office - CodeProject目測應該有150CM~~~~ Coming with Microsoft Office 2003, the MODI library offers you an easy but effective way to integrate Optical Character Recognition (OCR) functionality into your own applications.; Author: Martin Welker; Updated: 26 Oct 2007; Section: Office Development; ...


Solid Documents Blog: Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) can be used with 2010 我想這應該很搶手!!Did you upgrade your Microsoft Office ® software from 2007 to 2010 and find that our OCR didn't work like it used to? Fact: Solid Documents version 7 products use the Microsoft Office ® MODI API to recover text from scanned documents. When Microsoft Offic...


Download Office 2003: Microsoft Office Document Imaging Visual Basic Reference (MODI) from Official 青箭白箭都弱了 就是要神劍闖江湖!!!!.....咦?? This download includes the reference documentation for the MODI object model and the MODI Viewer ActiveX control in the form of a compiled Help file (CHM), MSPAUTO.CHM. ... Microsoft Office Document Imaging 2003 (MODI) adds programmability features to ......
