皮卡丘也玩任天堂?! 網友表示:客服有打算找小智來當嗎~
Game Development Books and eBooks | PACKT Books 如果接到一通陌生電話,對方是你的兒時玩伴「皮卡丘」,你會做何反應?一部半年前的 Youtube 短片近日來在網路上瘋傳。原來是國外網友惡搞任天堂(Nintendo)的客服專員,影片中客服人員接起電話後只聽見一連串的「皮卡」聲。一起看看這些客服人員如何面對身懷十萬伏特絕技的皮卡丘吧! 「嗨,這裡是任For developers wanting to create 3D games, CryENGINE offers the intuitive route to success and this book is the complete guide to using it. ... Create your own third-person shooter game using the Unreal Development Kit to create your own game on Apple’s i...