現在潮人都在瘋這個!2015 年你絕對不能錯過的「劍玉」風潮!
OGRE - Official Site 想要知道最近在流行什麼嗎?什麼東西最讓潮流人士愛不釋手?那你一定不能不知道「劍玉」!很多人都以為「劍玉」源自於日本,但其實,劍玉在 17~19 世紀時是法國貴族最喜歡的玩具之一,後來才被日本留學生帶回日本。劍玉傳入日本之後,漸漸的流行起來,甚至還發展出一套完整的系統,現在更有級位與段位的檢定!而最With all the crazy news about many high-profile game engines either dropping their prices or getting rid of them completely (with a royalty catch of course), we want to highlight one new game engine that uses Ogre as its rendering component: Skyline by Au...