ois actuator

TDK東電化-產品介紹 這小女孩她13歲!!!!!  看來營養攝取的很充足... 產品簡介 微小型相機模組使用的對焦、防手震、致動器---AF/OIS VCA(Auto Focus/OIS Voice Coil Actuator) ... TDK秉持先前大量生產VCD/DVD讀取頭模組(PICK-UP HEAD)的Actuator(致動器)設計技術與製造技術經驗,加上自身擁有的多項關鍵專利,同時再搭配了 ......


OIS - Cambridge Mechatronics 不過如果沒有箭頭 我搞不好也不會住意到後面的人 顆顆~Optical Image Stabilisation (OIS) allows blur-free photographs and shake-free videos on your smartphone. A gyroscope sensor in the handset is used to measure jitter. An actuator placed between the image sensor and AutoFocus mechanism moves the camera lens...


World leader of Electro-Mechanical Actuator System for Optical Application Devices   看得懂的 快按下讚吧!!!!6 •HYSONIC established •HYSONIC R&D Center established •Completed the development of SP Actuator for DLP Projection TV Foundation 2004 Established Business Takeoff Stage 2001 2002 2003 •Started MP of SP Actuator(Samsung) •Completed the ......


實現OIS/數位自動對焦 MEMS進軍手機鏡頭模組 - 封面故事 - 新通訊元件雜誌   好...好逼真啊!MEMS躍居行動市場發燒星 實現OIS/數位自動對焦 MEMS進軍手機鏡頭模組 新通訊 2014 年 1 月號 155 期《 封面故事 》 文.黃耀瑋 MEMS應用將擴散至手機鏡頭模組。行動裝置品牌廠正努力尋求畫素升級以外的手段,改善相機攝影品質,並競相將數位相機功能 ......


Current Openings - Hutchinson Technology男人一旦出軌首先會拼命掩飾、撒謊,如果你心細察覺,然後聰明處理,把出軌扼殺在搖籃裡,這段婚姻仍可繼續,甚至發展更好。那麼十二星座男會如何掩飾出軌呢? 白羊座:暴跳如雷 白羊座男粗心馬虎,一旦出軌,只要細心觀察就會有些蛛絲馬跡,若妻子以開玩笑的口吻試探著問“你是不是出軌了?”白©2015 HUTCHINSON TECHNOLOGY INC. Home | Disk Drive Components | OIS Actuator | Custom Manufacturing | Careers | Investors | about | Contact Hutchinson Technology is a global technology leader committed to creating value by developing solutions to ......


Hutchinson Technology - Official Site   "晚上不知道吃什麼"?? 我保證按讚的人沒有一個人真正關心過這個問題©2015 HUTCHINSON TECHNOLOGY INC. Home | Disk Drive Components | OIS Actuator | Custom Manufacturing | Careers | Investors | about | Contact Hutchinson Technology is a global technology leader committed to creating value by developing solutions to ......
