Ole. London Hotel Macau,Macau Hotel,Macau Hotel Booking - Macau.com ▲聞一口硬一天?(source: Twitter,僅為示意圖) 出處:英國那些事兒 原文標題:聞一口,硬一天!自從小鎮開了個偉哥工廠,這裡的男人再也把控不住自己了... 本文已獲授權,請勿任意轉載 在愛爾蘭,有一個叫做Ringaskiddy的小鎮。 小鎮風The Ole London Hotel Macau is not pretentious. Rising 7 stories from the cobblestone street, it is an ole-fashioned place to unpack, sleep and recuperate. Ole London Hotel Macau offers visitors a straightforward overnight guest experience with a pleasan-M...