Overlapping generations model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 素顏時,很可怕很呆!!! 兩個人都普通沒精神到不行呀!! 沒想到一低頭眼神一轉就… 這真是太神奇了!! 這些却妝後也很精采!▼ 「楊冪」自拍素顏超美!!但「真實素顏」卻恐怖至極!!再美的女人不保養也是不行的… 震驚!!20位卸了妝更美的女神!!「劉詩詩」「An overlapping generations model, abbreviated to OLG model, is a type of representative agent economic model in which agents live a finite length of time long enough to overlap with at least one period of another agent's life. All OLG models share several...