olympus epl2 firmware update

The Visual Science Lab.: Olympus EPL2. Final Installment. Kirk's Definitive Opinion.HERE!20158月號  圖文提供 台灣東販BANG!編輯部 現在透明系、初戀系的女孩當道!自然妝容是不可或缺的技巧,利用以下步驟可以輕鬆的創造出適合,早中晚三種情境的自然系妝感,無論是早晨的公園、中午的飯局或是晚上的小酌,都可以以最適當的清新妝容現身唷! 責任編輯︱林孟瑢、攝影︱陳立偉Well. Let's start at the top and go thru this step by step. First of all, what is the EPL2? It's the latest distillation of what Olympus has learned from making this family of cameras. The camera is one of the family of Micro Four Thirds cameras which use...


E-PL2 > Frequently Asked Questions - Olympus Corporation of the Americas【editor_R.ONE  photo_ORANGE】 名人的魅力對於街頭流行文化一直都有很大的影響力,像是小鬼黃鴻升、頑童MJ116除了平常的穿著受到大家喜愛外,其自創的潮流品牌更是受到歡迎!每每發售新品都一定造成排隊搶購的熱潮!所以本次編輯部就要為大家整理,台灣街頭中還有哪些明星級街When a non-default aspect ratio is selected, JPEG images are cropped and recorded using the selected aspect ratio. When the JPEG images are reviewed in Playback mode or in OLYMPUS ib, OLYMPUS Studio 2, OLYMPUS Master 2 or Olympus Viewer 2 ......


The Olympus E-PL2 Digital Camera Review. 12 Improvements over the E-PL1! | STEVE HUFF PHOTOS【editor_Eason  photo_ Orange  visual_ Bala】 時尚流行就跟3C產品還有宅男女神一樣瞬息萬變,前一刻還瘋狂追逐,下一秒就乏人問津!為了讓各位忠實讀者永遠走在潮流的尖端,本回球鞋單元整理出主役級話題關鍵字!只要把握這些重點,就能讓你一路走跳到The Olympus E-PL2 Digital Camera Review/Overview 12 improvements over the E-PL1 By Steve Huff So Olympus has just this week released the E-PL2 just a ... Damn you Steve Huff, you cant just go on writing such great reviews as Im always wanting the stuff .....


Olympus PEN Lite E-PL3 Micro Four Thirds Review原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 從1999年開始連載以來,歷經了十五年的歲月 從默默無名到後面成為在JUMP中和海賊王跟死神的三大巨頭之一 在去年的11月10日結束了陪伴我們的連載   一共700話的火影忍者,就這樣結束了,咲櫻真得很不捨 (〒︿〒) 每週再也看不到新的一話,真是讓Joshua Waller tests the latest Olympus PEN camera, the Lite E-PL3, with the World's fastest auto focus and 5.5 fps shooting. ... ISO Noise performance: (Noise Filter Low, default: Standard). The E-PL3 produces low noise at ISO200, through to ISO800, even ...


Olympus PEN Mini E-PM1 CSC Review - Digital camera reviews, photography techniques, photography ga原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:鴉小編 萌友們呀比~我是鴉小編(‘ω’)ノ 都有看過電影版的「蟻人」了嗎? 真的可說是人小志氣高的代表啊(重點誤) ▲人家才不嬌小呢>_Joshua Waller reviews the new Olympus PEN Mini E-PM1 - the most compact Micro Four Thirds camera from Olympus. ... ISO Noise performance: (Noise Filter Standard, default: Standard). The E-PM1 produces low noise at ISO200, through to ISO800, even when ......


Olympus OM-D E-M10 brings E-M5 down to size: Digital Photography Review翻拍ck101下同鄉民libra1014在PTT表特版分享了一位開胸爆乳辣妹([神人] 資展SG),並且PO文表示:表特首PO,請各位鄉民鞭小力點,今天收展了所以,只有一張朋友拍的照騙!小弟觀察半天覺得她神似AV女優瀧澤蘿拉,難怪原PO要說他朋友拍了照騙XD 這哪是什麼資展,成人展吧XD 鄉民的反應Olympus unveils the OM-D E-M10, a smaller and budget-friendlier Micro Four Thirds 'Digital OM' with many parts borrowed from the E-M5 - starting with its 16 megapixel sensor. It also manages to snag a few features from the flagship E-M1, including its Tru...
