The Visual Science Lab.: Olympus EPL2. Final Installment. Kirk's Definitive Opinion. 延續上集,上篇的四項步驟比較對於初學者是有幫助的,接下來要進入的是有了成為型男的基礎,對於時尚品味較有經驗的人較容易理解,所以後面這四項步驟算是比較高階的技巧,也算是一個整體性的大思考。如果你懶得點回去看上篇在說什麼的話,在這邊簡單的幫你整理回顧一下! 幾個新年後要維持身材的目標: ☑ 加入健身房Well. Let's start at the top and go thru this step by step. First of all, what is the EPL2? It's the latest distillation of what Olympus has learned from making this family of cameras. The camera is one of the family of Micro Four Thirds cameras which use...