Which One? Olympus OMD EM5 or EP5 - The Phoblographer原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 這種情況應該發生在有在追漫畫的萌友身上吧? 有些長壽動漫畫就不用說了, 像是「櫻桃小丸子」還是「蠟筆小新」 以及「哆啦A夢」這些即使沒有完結篇 大家還是看的很開心的作品除外 有沒有那種”感覺應該不會有完結篇的動漫作品”咧? 喵妹滿愛看漫畫的感觸還Today, Olympus is announcing their EP5 Micro Four Thirds camera. It is now the top tier of the Pen family of cameras under the Olympus brand and in some ways challenges the flagship from Olympus–the OMD EM5. Everyday, we see and hear about new people purc...