olympus pen ep3

OLYMPUS PEN 台灣潮流品牌 CUBOX,推出相當應景的新春開運限量福袋,售價1500元,內容涵蓋CUBOX外套、帽子、皮帶、配件、包包、T恤、襯衫等超越4000元以上的價值,點擊後可以看到活動詳情。 1.發售時間:1/31(大年初一)~2/4(大年初五) 每日限量販售 2.售價:1500元 3.尺寸:Welcome to the official Olympus PEN brand site. The PEN is a stylish compact system camera with outstanding performance and image quality. ... APPROPRIATELY OUT OF THE ORDINARY Sometimes an ordinary photograph taken with an ordinary camera ......


PEN & OM-D - Digital Cameras | Olympus 在Spielwarenmesse International Toy Fair Nürnberg 2014 展覽上BANDAI萬代玩具公司的S.H.Figuarts可動系列公開了預計今年2014年將發行的 S.H. Figuarts Super Mario 超級瑪利歐,由照片看來將附有水管、香菇、The OM-D is a groundbreaking, new digital interchangeable lens camera perfect for people who want to “take part”, “create”, and “share”. The Olympus PEN® series provides superior optics, interchangeable lenses and multimedia capabilities - combining the c...


Amazon.com : Olympus E-PL5 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 14-42mm Lens (Black) : Compact System Digi 美國潮流品牌 Stussy,與鞋款品牌 Be Positive 共同合作,推出全新聯名鞋款 the Hokkoh A II Chukka,採用中筒的設計,並加入特別的叢林花朵圖案使整體獨具特色。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請標明原文網址The E-PL5 Digital Camera with 14-42mm 2R Zoom Lens (Black) from Olympus A 16MP Live MOS sensor provides this camera with DSLR-like image quality and the TruePic VI image processor brings with it fast response time and accurate colors and contrast. Its mir...


Olympus PEN EP-3 全球最快自動對焦 對焦不用再等了 Spring/Summer 2014 的潮流品牌 visvim,依舊沒讓大家失望,一系列最新作品滿足新舊粉絲的喜愛。包括必備的丹寧外套也重新推出,提供最佳的材質以及水洗效果,另外還有格紋襯衫,民族風襯衫等作品釋出。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲前陣子才發表完的PEN E-P3,預計於這星期五﹝7/22﹞開賣囉。PEN E-P3可以算是PEN的旗艦機種,採用金屬機身及可換的手柄,3吋OLED觸控式螢幕。PEN E-P3備有全新1,230萬像素高速Live MOS感應器,提供ISO12800感光度及1080p的高清攝影,配合全新研發的 ......


PEN - Compact System Cameras - Olympus - Olympus - United Kingdom & Ireland 擁有獨特的時尚態度,是Levi’s RED歐洲系列的主要特色,運用LEVIS最經典的丹寧元素重新解構,加入不同的剪裁,提供丹寧布料的另一種生命。在最新一季 Spring/Summer 2014 當中,依舊可以看到獨特的設計風格延伸,跳脫丹寧品牌的窠臼,相當特別。 【本文出處,更You appear to be browsing this site using Internet Explorer 6. This browser is now out of date. For safer, more reliable browsing it is recommended that you upgrade your browser to one of these browsers: Firefox / Safari / Opera / Chrome / Internet Explor...


Olympus E-P3 Review | PhotographyBLOG 台灣潮流品牌 CUBOX,推出相當應景的新春開運限量福袋,售價1500元,內容涵蓋CUBOX外套、帽子、皮帶、配件、包包、T恤、襯衫等超越4000元以上的價值,點擊後可以看到活動詳情。 1.發售時間:1/31(大年初一)~2/4(大年初五) 每日限量販售 2.售價:1500元 3.尺寸:Expert review of the Olympus E-P3 camera with sample photos, test shots, videos and more... ... Ease of Use The third generation of Olympus' mirror-less Micro Four Thirds system flagship digital 'Pen' has arrived with us, once again with the aim of provid...
