olympus tough tg 2評價

Olympus數位相機 - 盡情生活 水中遨遊 Olympus Tough TG-3 - 相機 - Mobile01很勵志的故事~哈!!! TG-3身為一台「防水」相機,可以水下15公尺運作。並且具備了-10度C的防寒與防塵、2.1公尺防摔,防壓也達到了100公斤,所以其系列名稱"Tough"可以說是其來有自。 那水流下來的感覺很真實對吧?但我知道你的重點不是那裡XD...


Just posted: Olympus Tough TG-2 iHS Review: Digital Photography Review竟然爆雷給我Q_Q Let's see whether or not we 'told the truth' about this. Here are some direct quotes from the review talking about the screen: "While the TG-2's OLED display looks beautiful indoors, outdoor performance was lacking. It's nearly impossible to use in bright...


【報價】$3,390 買 15 米防水 - Olympus Stylus TG-4 Tough - UNWIRE.HKXD 天氣轉熱又係陽光與海灘的季節,而 Olympus 今日率先發佈 Stylus TG-4 Tough 及 TG-860 兩款三防相機,兩機除了增強可潛水深,原廠更提供多款防水及保護配件。 定價方面,Stylus TG-4 Tough 定價為 $3,390;TG-860 定價為 $2,490。前者 5 月底...


Amazon.com : Olympus TG-860 Tough Waterproof Digital Camera with 3-Inch LCD (Orange) : Camera & Phot誇張@@ The new TG-860 is the camera you’ll want to have along for every adventure. Its brawny exterior is built to withstand harsh weather and rough treatment, while its powerful mix of image processing power, creative flexibility, and up-to-the-minute connectiv...


Olympus Tough TG-2 Waterproof Review - Digital camera reviews, photography techniques, photography g時代真的進步了... We get tough with the Olympus Tough TG-2 - the tough, waterproof camera from Olympus. ... White Balance Performance - Auto White Balance (AWB) gives a slightly warm result under tungsten light, with the tungsten preset giving a more neutral result....
