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Stylus : xD Compatibility Chart - Olympus America Inc. 不管是喜歡還是討厭避孕套,它都已經成為人們日常生活的一部分。有專家預測說,2015 年世界人民可能會消耗掉186 億個避孕套套。床頭櫃、皮夾、手提包,似乎所有角落都能出現它的身影。這可不是有意諷刺調侃,話說回來,我們對安全套到底了解多少呢?大多數人估計都會含糊回答:" 嗯,足夠了解了。" 讀完這篇M - denotes Type M series which include M256 MB, M512 MB, M1 GB and M2 GB M+ - denotes Type M+ series which include M+1 GB and M+2 GB H - denotes Type H series which include H256 MB, H512 MB, and H1 GB D - The firmware update for this camera ......
