om 1 battery Wasabi Power Battery (2-Pack) and Charger for Olympus BLN-1, BCN-1 and Olympus OM-D E-M1 活得有趣,才是人生的最高境界!   好的設計絕不是孤芳自賞。   你眼中的「髒亂差」,在他的筆下變成了「真善美」。       我拉風的勞斯萊斯 ▼     一匹奔騰的駿馬 (呃……性感豐滿的臀部) The Wasabi Power BLN1 battery and charger kit includes 2 batteries and one charger with a European plug and car adapter. All items come with a 3-year manufacturer warranty. Note: Batteries shoud be charged with the Wasabi Power charger to obtain a full ch...


Review: HLD-6 - OM-D Battery Grip - Admiring Light 提起陳小春,大抵都會第一時間想起那個叱吒風雲的古惑仔山雞哥。   當年的《古惑仔》有多紅?   有人說,在那個年代,“姑娘們都想跟浩南哥談戀愛,男孩們都想跟山雞哥出街”。  ▼   沒想到的是,一晃二十多年,當初那個提刀闖江湖的古惑仔The vertical grip adds a minute amount of weight to the rest of the camera when used without an extra battery. Still, the controls are comfortable, and the rear dial is actually better positioned on the vertical grip than it is on the main camera. The two...


Reliant AGM | Trojan Battery Company 話說,最近網紅機器人Sophia又上了各大新聞媒體的頭條... 因為,她已經正式獲得了沙特的公民身份,成了第一個有公民身份的機器人...     周三,Sophia參加了在沙特利雅得舉行的「未來投資計劃」大會, 在大會上,她自信滿滿得做了演講...   「對於這份特殊A. The number of minutes a battery can deliver when discharged at a constant rate at 80 F (27 C) and maintain a voltage above 1.75 V/cell. Capacities are based on peak performance. B. The amount of amp-hours (AH) a battery can deliver when discharged at a...


Lithium-ion Safety Concerns – Battery University 今天要說的主人公是他倆, Bill Brookman 和 Madeleine Coburn,都來自英國萊斯特郡   在40年前,他們因為父親的阻撓而未能在一起..   40年後,他們又一次相遇,而這一次,他們終於有情人終成眷屬……   故事Figure 1: Lithium-ion battery damages a laptop. Safety issues are enticing battery manufacturers to change the manufacturing process. According to Sony, contamination of Cu, Al, Fe and Ni particles during the manufacturing process may cause an internal sh...


3 x AAA Battery Holder with On/Off Switch and 2-Pin JST ID: 727 - $1.95 : Adafruit Industries, Uniqu PART A 間諜小猴死亡事件   印度,拉賈斯坦邦。在一座寺廟裡,生活着120隻印度葉猴。   這一天,忽然出現了第121隻小猴子,它悄悄的潛入猴群…         它是一隻「間諜小猴」,是英國BBC電視台派出的密探。毛Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits 3 x AAA Battery Holder with On/Off Switch and 2-Pin JST ID: 727 - This battery holder connects 3 AAA batteries together in series for powering all kinds of projects. We spec'd these out because th...

全文閱讀 - Two New BLN-1 Batteries & One Charger Combo for Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M5 II, E-M1, and 話說,還記得我們之前介紹過英國一個叫 「Rich house poor house」(富家窮家)的真人秀節目麼?   這個電視節目的規則很簡單,這對被選中的一窮一富的家庭,將會徹底互換生活,互相搬到對方的房子裡去。   接下來每個星期,他們會拿到對方原來一個星期的生活費,最後他Two New BLN-1 Li-Ion Rechargeable Replacement Batteries with Charger Kit Combo. The charger accepts AC 100v - 240v and Auto DC 12V. The charger kit comes with both wall charger and car charger, which can charged both Olympus original battery and any ......
