Lol幾個男子合資要開一家公司,為了彰顯公司的霸氣,特取名「能力」! 「嗯!『能力公司』聽著多霸氣啊!」 於是大家興高采烈地去申請並拿回營業執照 拿回來後大家幾個都傻眼了 只見執照上大大地寫著… …..『能力有限公司』March 17, 2012 Two rabbits are in a garden and one of the rabbits says, "Thith carrot tathes pithy." The other rabbit says, "Yes, I know, I just pithed on it." Two guys were out fishing on the lake when a hearse and funeral procession passed the boat on a...