日本「男女混浴」溫泉急速減少 常遺留保險套!
DM3730 | DM37x Video SOC | ARM Cortex-A8+ Video Core | Description & parametrics據台灣東森新聞云網站消息,日本男女混浴的溫泉正超快速減少中,有人驚呼“混浴文化”瀕臨消失。據統計,日本曾有800間混浴的溫泉旅館,另有400處野外混浴溫泉池。但2013年統計,日本全境只剩下500間混浴的溫泉旅館和200處野外混浴溫泉池。其中,野外混浴溫泉池減少的速度遠高於旅Download a datasheet or document on TIs DM3730 ARM Cortex-A8+ Video Core, from the DM37x Video SOC collection of analog and digital product folders.# Added ... Several of the documents associated to device are restricted and must go through export ......