OMG – Oh My God! - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說, 大家看到這樣一組照片會想起哪裡? 空無一人的街道,只有落葉飄零... 廟街... 看看牆上的廣告和門上的塗鴉, 這真的不是香港的某條街道? 等等,黑色陰影貿易公司是什麼鬼... 參照物加進來立刻秒懂了... OMG – Oh My God! is a 2012 Indian Hindi satirical comedy-drama film.Its story is similar to an Australian film The Man Who Sued God It is directed by Umesh Shukla. The film features Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal in the lead roles, along with Mithun Chakra...