小型跨界休旅Toyota C-HR 美規版洛杉磯正式登場
Computer Music Magazine | MusicRadar Toyota旗下重點車,小型跨界休旅C-HR美規版,日前在洛杉磯車展正式亮相,據外媒報導指出,Toyota C-HR車款的美規版本預計將車頭部分融入家族化設計,這款車與最新的RAV4相當類似,搭配上LED頭燈組及運動化前保桿。車身軸距則達到2640mm,乘車空間相對寬敞,而車側則採用隱藏式的後車門Computer Music is the world's best-selling music software magazine helping its readers create great music with a PC or Mac. ... Future is AOP & PPA Digital Publisher of the Year and BMA Media Company of the Year. MusicRadar is part of Future plc, an ......