on an ad hoc basis什么意思

an ad hoc basisの意味 - 英和辞典 Weblio辞書 1. 玻璃穹頂酒店(芬蘭) 2. 犬吠公園酒店(美國) 3. 鴿舍(英國) 4,Adrere阿梅拉爾(埃及) 5,月。宮薩爾(玻利維亞) 6. 20世紀50年代布里斯托爾運輸機(紐西蘭) 7. 卡迪爾(土耳其) 8. 波塞冬海底度假村(斐濟) 9. 科科佩利洞穴酒店(美國) 10. 平衡穀倉(英國an ad hoc basisの意味や和訳。 訳語 場当たり的 - 約986万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 ... It was one of the many titles of taishogun (great general) and was used on an ad-hoc basis. 数ある大将軍の号の一つで、常に任命されるとは ......


ad hoc - definition of ad hoc by The Free Dictionary似乎將自己的弟弟打扮成少女是全天下姐姐們都愛做的事。在日本也不例外,最近很多姐姐或哥哥們通過各種裝扮技術將自己的弟弟變裝成為了一個個萌妹子。 不過讓人意外的是,不少弟弟(很多都十多歲了)似乎也很享受穿上短裙或連衣裙變裝成為少女的過程。更讓人吃驚的是,不少弟弟女裝扮相簡直比一般的少女還可愛。 我(作者ad hoc (ăd hŏk′, hōk′) adv. For the specific purpose, case, or situation at hand and for no other: a committee formed ad hoc to address the issue of salaries. adj. 1. Formed for or concerned with one specific purpose: an ad hoc compensation committee. 2. ...


USPS - FAQs about Postmaster Finder - USPS - Postmasters by City日前一對英國夫妻發揮創意將自拍照PS成有趣的圖片,張張都充滿驚奇!這對英國夫妻的創意真是無限阿!一起來看看! 1.不是哈利波特也能將人當風箏飛 2.家裡突然多了好多你和我 3.你這壞蟲我要把你吸起來! 4.內心戲 5.再不乖就燒了你 6.再怎麼吵架也要扭在一起 7.童心未泯! 8.這是愛情催狂魔之吻Q: Is a Post Office's establishment date the date it opened for business? A: Generally, a Post Office's establishment date is the date of appointment of its first postmaster. Typically there was up to a two-month delay between the appointment of a ......


Vehicular ad hoc network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . . . . . . . . 跟我交往! 我表示鴨梨好大, 請問各位網友這樣怎麼破...    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are created by applying the principles of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) - the spontaneous creation of a wireless network for data exchange - to the domain of vehicles. They are a key component of intelligent transporta...


SIX Exchange Regulation - Ad hoc Publicity       在國外留言網站「Reddit」最近有一位美國男孩突然爆紅。 主要是網友『theone211』說這個男孩突然來敲他的門, 然後說「可以給我香蕉嗎?」 給了以後就帥氣的邊吃香蕉離開。   網友拍下他吃香蕉的樣子,放上網以後沒想到大家覺得男孩實在太有個The reporting obligation in the context of ad hoc publicity concerns potentially price-sensitive facts unknown to the public that occur in connection with the business activities of a listed company. Price-sensitive facts are new facts which are likely to...


Carpatair - Official Site 就在連假最後一天大家趕著搭火車回家時,大排長龍的隊伍皆是趕著返鄉的人潮。我也很幸運的從花蓮買到了需要搶座位的加開「阿福號列車」,從花蓮到台北只用了自強號的時間﹍三小時﹍卻只需要花200元!大家紛紛在月台上等候從花蓮開的火車進站,並在等候線前卡位。這種情形幾乎只會在跨年夜的捷運站上看到,每個等候列上We are a charter, wet lease and ACMI dedicated airline, having operated in the aviation field for more than 15 years. We started to operate on a regular basis, flights from Romania to Italy, in 1999. Ever since, our airline operated a large number of regu...
