AUO showcase world first in cell Touch AMOLED (翻攝自Dcard) 還記得我媽以前叫我去雜貨店買鹽 要我跟老闆說買框框是藍色的不要買紅色的 結果到了店裡卻忘記要買藍的還是紅的 想說那紅色加藍色就會變紫色 這樣應該有一半是鹽吧 就買回去一包小包的紫色框框 &nbAt SID2014 Displayweek AUO introduce a 1.6 inch OLED for Wearable Devices! Maybe this technology is ready for Apple iWatch? ... AUO is ready to showcase the world first Ultra Thin in cell AMOLED with Touch function for wearable devices. The OLED Display ....