辛巴威強制要求刪除「總統跌倒照」 結果又引發網友 PS 大賽.......
Joe. My. God. 辛巴威的終生總統 Robert Mugabe 今年已經高齡 90 歲,他從衣索比亞返抵國門,在機場發表短暫的演說,就在他走下講台時不小心跌了一跤,結果剛好被一旁的記者拍到這兩張照片,隨扈除了先護駕送 Robert Mugabe 上禮車離開外,維安人員跑到記者旁邊,強迫Via press release from Fox News: Both sides in the same-sex marriage debate are looking to the Supreme Court as it decides whether or not to weigh in on the issue. The High Court is set to discuss cases from Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee, and ......