What You Can Eat On a Mechanical Soft Diet最冷的冬天故事發生在一個偏遠的印第安保留區,族人們問新上任的族長今年冬天會不會冷。年輕族長並沒有學到祖先預知天氣的方法,便吩咐族人們先多準備一些木材,並在當晚打電話去氣象局:「今年的冬天會冷嗎?」「應該是。」於是族長吩咐族人準備多一些木材;一星期後族長再打去氣象局:「今年的冬天會冷嗎?」「肯定會!」This diet includes soft and easy to chew foods. It's useful for people who have trouble chewing or may be too weak to chew regular foods. ... Updated February 06, 2015. A mechanical soft diet is made up of foods that are easy to chew and swallow. It's use...