Times Skimmer by The New York Times大家都知道,日本媒體太喜歡評選了,基本上就是3天一小選5天一大選的節奏,而且評選的主題也是各種各樣…比如說最近某綜藝節目面向10代女生做的一個調查「床技看起來不太好的男藝人」 (啊喂,十幾歲的女生懂什麼…),然後評選出了TOP20!話不多說,一起來看看結果! LOS AN GE LES — LAST week, the ce leb rity gos sip site TMZ post ed pic tures of Justin Bie ber in a wheel chair. He was not at a hos pi tal. He was at Dis ney land. As ev ery one knows, Dis ney pa trons in wheel chairs get to cut to the front of the line...