Times Skimmer by The New York Times本文獲得微信公眾號 英國那些事兒(hereinuk) 授權,原始標題:他偷輛車就被人工智慧評估重判8年。當AI觸角伸向司法界,是合理,還是荒唐? 現如今,AI(人工智慧)已經成為了一個逃不掉的話題.. 不管是橫掃圍棋界各大高手的Alpha Go&helliLOS AN GE LES — LAST week, the ce leb rity gos sip site TMZ post ed pic tures of Justin Bie ber in a wheel chair. He was not at a hos pi tal. He was at Dis ney land. As ev ery one knows, Dis ney pa trons in wheel chairs get to cut to the front of the line...