Review: Oliver Sacks Looks at His Life in ‘On the Move’ - NYTimes.com 圖片翻攝自今日頭條 下同 卡普VS赤犬 頂上戰爭時卡普揚言要滅了赤犬,可惜被戰國製止了.. 黃猿VS泰格 還是中將時候的黃猿不敢正面和泰格交戰,真打起來會怎麼樣呢? 艾斯VS凱撒 按理說,瓦斯遇到火就會...不過凱撒要是再和路飛有什麼過節的話,以薩博(弟控)的性格,可能我們還是看In a blunt, eloquent and devastating Op-Ed essay in The New York Times in February, Dr. Oliver Sacks revealed that cancer in his liver had left him with only months to live. This knowledge, he wrote, had enabled him to see his own life “as from a great al...