Once Bitten, Twice Shy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia親密關係的本質,不管是男女朋友、夫妻、或同性戀情,看似純屬兩個個體的結合,實際上兩個人都各自帶著自己的「背後靈」,來與對方相會看過一則電視廣告吧,男女兩人躺在清潔不佳的旅館房間,空氣中五味雜陳,菸味、香水味、食物味等等,流連不去,彷彿枕邊睡的除了自己的伴侶以外,還有各式各樣的前任房客。 談戀愛是兩個"Once Bitten, Twice Shy" is a 1975 song written and recorded by Ian Hunter, from his debut solo album Ian Hunter, which reached No. 14 in the UK Singles Chart.[1] The song was covered by Shaun Cassidy on his 1980 LP, Wasp. "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" was cov...