One Direction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 熟悉日本的朋友應該都知道 島國人真的很喜歡喵星人 就算天天擼貓也不會覺得膩... 最近有一名島國老大爺 因為救下了一隻小貓咪而走紅 愛貓心切的他在極其困難複雜的環境下 前後花費了九天時間 才挽救了這個小生命 讓我們一起來看看吧~ One Direction's second studio album, Take Me Home, was released in November 2012. Take Me Home was written in groups and has an average of just under five songwriters per track. Savan Kotecha, Rami Yacoub, and Carl Falk, who composed One Direction's ......