六大時髦都市的,NIKE 推出全新 Air Max 1 Ultra 系列跑鞋
Max Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 時髦的跑鞋愛好者一定不能錯過 NIKE 即將推出的 Air Max 1 Ultra 系列,因為這六雙跑鞋以“CITY”為主題,用色彩鮮艷的花卉展示了倫敦、米蘭、紐約、巴黎、上海和東京六大都市的時尚剪影。玫瑰和百合分別代表紐約和巴黎,倫敦和東京則是混合了玫瑰和櫻花的印花圖案,米蘭和上海所屬的 AirMartin Sandberg (born Karl Martin Sandberg[1] 26 February 1971), known professionally as Max Martin, is a Swedish music producer and songwriter. He rose to prominence in the mid-1990s after crafting a string of major hits for artists such as Backstreet Bo...