one monent in time

Ariana Grande - One Last Time (Official) - YouTube ▲像是被邪靈入侵的物品。(source : boredpanda,下同) 在我們生活周遭有許多巧合,這些巧合可能會讓人會心一笑,根據boredpanda報導,外國有網友就專門蒐集了一些湊巧長得像人的物品照片,看了會讓人覺得十分有趣,或許你也會發現有這樣的存在。   #1 像是鬼魂的煎蛋 One Last Time available for download on the full album “My Everything” here: Stream/Share “One Last Time” on Spotify:


TAYLOR SWIFT VMA AWARD MOMENT RUINED BY KANYE WEST - YouTube 話說... 如今改變我們生活的發明和產品有很多,也都被人津津樂道, 可是,也有很多逐漸被我們遺忘的,那些看起來有點「奇葩」的產品,曾經在當時也是引起過不小轟動。   這位叫Samuel West的瑞典人,就打算開一家 「失敗產品博物館」,來讓大家看看,那些年那些企業,走過哪些彎路,開過哪Kanye West ruined Taylor Swift's night at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night during her acceptance speech....


Has the ‘Libertarian Moment’ Finally Arrived? -   本文獲得微信公眾號帶你遊遍英國 weloveuk 授權,原始標題:迪拜有一個設計師,專門為皇室設計土豪婚紗…效果簡直美到閃瞎!     土豪國度卡塔爾的一個公主要結婚了…她的婚紗照片提前被曝光到了網上後,立馬引起了轟During the father’s two runs for president as a Republican, in 2008 and 2012, libertarian activists gave him momentum far beyond his popular appeal, packing caucus halls and organizing rallies. But it’s an open question whether these same activists will g...


one-time night blindness in one eye - Eye Care - MedHelp把妹教學第二集,不一定要搞命中注定!更多魯蛇辦公室系列►► 機車老闆、八卦同事、刁鑽客戶… 還有不可告人的辦公室戀情...所有辦公室發生的大大小小事,上班族你肯定有感!魯蛇該有的生存之道,立馬筆記! 更多魯蛇辦公室系列►► httpI have had the same issue. It has happened about 5 times over the course of the past year. Always late at night, and almost always (I can't remember if it is actually always) when I have fallen asleep watching TV and then wake up to go to bed that I notic...


Who’s Winning, iOS or Android? All the Numbers, All in One Place | DarkBox創作的這個短漫畫系列已經發了好多季了,其最大特點就是沒有台詞。內容嘛,有的故事一看就懂,有的卻頗為內涵哦...今天的是第六季(10則)   【主人】                  Who’s winning the mobile platform wars, Apple’s iOS or Google’s Android? It’s one of the blogosphere’s favorite tech topics. Every new nugget of competitive information is fodder for an avalanche of coverage. Oftentimes, a story will declare that Android ...


Fashion and Design - T Magazine Blog - The New York Times   期待已久的的 M4 CS終於在上海車展中耀眼登場了,有鑒於GTS目前已停止生產,這款CS將為BMW接下來性能最優越的M4車型。這款新車有何不同之處呢?就先從引擎開始談起吧,BMW 這回將以往熟悉的 3.0L 直列六缸雙渦輪引擎做了優化,現在擁有 454匹馬力和 61.2公斤扭力,比起The French jewelry designer Charlotte Chesnais delineates her preliminary ideas in clay, rather than in the form of flat sketches. “I like volumes,” Chesnais says. “The infinity of possibilities, the technical constraints…” One need only look at the lean ...
