童話不再只是童話 迪士尼角色也能真人化?
OK Computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 迪士尼的卡通無疑是每個人美好的童年,多少可愛的人物一路陪伴著我們過來,相信應該沒有人會不喜歡迪士尼卡通(儘管有應該也不多才是),但是你有幻想過有一天,這些人物要是真人化的話,會是什麼樣的景象嗎?日前有一位名為 Jonatan Väätäinen 的藝術家,就利用他高超OK Computer is the third studio album by the English alternative rock band Radiohead, released in 1997 on Parlophone and Capitol Records. OK Computer was the first self-produced Radiohead album, with assistance from Nigel Godrich. Radiohead recorded the a...