霸王武裝加身 Volvo XC60 T5 R-Design
Project AWARE - Official Site文 陳冠勳/圖 王澤瑋 Volvo XC60 T5 R-Design* 建議售價 215萬元* 平均油耗 11.7km/L* 上市時間 2014/08* 原廠保固 3年10萬公里* 討喜之處 花小錢,大升級* 遺珠之憾 方向盤止滑度有待加強 去年國內進口豪華休旅車的排行中,Volvo XC60以年銷Jul. 9/15 Sharks and rays are at a substantially higher risk of extinction than most other groups of animals. One quarter of all known species of sharks, skates and rays are listed ......