穩重大器新動力 TOYOTA CAMRY 2.0L
|| World Trade Center || TOYOTA CAMRY國產化以來,連續13年睥睨同級車款,去年創下占有率84.9%的獨霸神話。2015年第七代車型小改款,導入全新6AR-FSE缸內直噴2.0L引擎,車身前後外觀修改的更為大器穩重,可見TOYOTA仍專注此一級距的用心,成功再造百萬元以內中大型國產房車優質傲氣的優質選擇。 引擎效World trade center website for information on lower Manhattan and leasing at the world trade center. Follow Us: about leasing media news News Construction on the move at Silverstein’s 3 World Trade Center 08.06.14 | The Real Deal At World Trade Center Sit...