one x hboot升級

How to Upgrade to Jelly Bean HBOOT 1.39 for HTC One X! | 此路是我開,此樹是我栽,要從此地過,留下買路財!Hi, I have HBOOT-0.43.0000 . So when I’m trying to upgrade hboot, it says You need to upgrade your HBOOT to a newer version before you can upgrade to Jelly Bean Firmware. A browser window has opened where you can download a RUU to do this....


HTC (Android) - HTC One X 刷機及回復原廠方法 - 手機討論區 - Mobile01 大家拍大頭照有這個困擾嗎?照片裡的人你總是似曾相識卻又如此陌生!還原到官方的1.26版 這是從官方1.26版的 RUU 裡面提出來的,可以官方更新。 刷機有風險,有可能會讓你的機器損害,喪失保固,你要自己承擔刷機結果,若是害怕還是不要刷的好! 我的手機是 HTC ONE X 若你是其它的手機,請不要刷!...


[TOOL] JB FW Easy Flasher & Fastboot Too… | HTC One X | XDA Forums 把拔,我知道你下班還要做飯很辛苦,但是,你把我勒得好緊喔!Changelog 21st Dec: v21 - Added 1.39 for Euro CID's and option to flash custom 10th Dec: v20 - Added 1.36 for HTC__622 05th Dec: v19 - Readde…...


[ROM][Aug 25] Jellybean 4.2.2 for Endeavoru … | HTC One X | XDA Forums 老伴!我們要一起去環遊世界,一起笑看人生,一起心有靈犀,一起曬日光浴!Banner by Sebianoti Me and rogro82 started to port Android 4.2 to the HTC One X Working Wireless Phone calls GSM Data Audio Video Playback (including HD)… ... Me and rogro82 started to port Android 4.2 to the HTC One X Working Wireless Phone calls...

全文閱讀 - Your Source for HTC One X Root, ROMs, tips, and more! 馬麻,妳把我的臉畫成這樣,現在妳開心了吧!Here’s a video tutorial that shows you how to easily upgrade your HBOOT to Jelly Bean HBOOT 1.39 for your international HTC One X Android smartphone. Why do you need this? Well, if you bought the phone with ICS and never upgraded to official Jelly Bean (m...


[Download] Official Android 4.1 RUU For Unlocked HTC One X                嚇得小編都快尿出來了If you're CID is correct you still need to have a JB HBOOT, as already pointed out. Meaning you have to unlock your bootloader and upgrade your HBOOT. It will not work even with the correct CID without the updated HBOOT. OTA JB updates have 2 files, the f...
