Oni - The Street Fighter Wiki - Street Fighter 4, Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter 3, and more 婚姻,是童話故事的殺手!傳統觀念認為,男大當娶,女大當嫁,就是要找一個可以一起白頭偕老、享受天倫之樂的另一半,人生才會幸福圓滿。童話故事的結局老是以「從此以後,王子和公主就過著幸福快樂的日子」收場,但是公主不用擔心結婚後會變成黃臉婆,王子也沒有賣肝加班要養家活口的煩惱,除此之外,婚姻中還有各種雜七15:05 Asura's Wrath DLC Super Street Fighter Akuma Vs Asura DLC May 15th 2012 lost ep 2 Asura forces Akuma to give into full power of the Dark Hado Oni appears in the second half of the second DLC Lost Episode The Strongest vs. The Angriest, given the ......