超擬真 超火辣的「愛愛娃娃」!要價50萬台幣的她,不但有體溫,而且還可以有這樣的感受...
Oni - The Street Fighter Wiki - Street Fighter 4, Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter 3, and more大家還記得第一款客製化「男愛愛娃娃」嗎?當時女記者親身體驗,不但可以自己邀情要坐出什麼樣愛愛娃娃,觸感也很好! 最近,又有新聞是女愛愛娃娃啦(⑉⊙ȏ⊙)上次說不用男生了,感覺以後也不用女生了,因為....... (source: realdoll ) 如果不說,會知道上圖是個娃娃嗎? A小15:05 Asura's Wrath DLC Super Street Fighter Akuma Vs Asura DLC May 15th 2012 lost ep 2 Asura forces Akuma to give into full power of the Dark Hado Oni appears in the second half of the second DLC Lost Episode The Strongest vs. The Angriest, given the ......