First Benchmarks of AMD's Fiji GPU Surface - Open CL CompuBench Performance Beats Out the TITAN-X 從他們俊俏的臉龐,你看得出他們的父母是誰嗎? 看不過癮嗎?這邊還有: ★「趙薇女兒」近照曝光!!遺傳媽媽大眼,美得像仙女一樣~~~!! ★揭密賭王「何鴻燊」17子女!!不可思議的帥哥美女超強基因!!三房女兒都超美! ★沒有繼承爸媽長相卻異常可愛Compute and gaming performance of the Fiji based graphic card: the AMD Radeon Fury X has leaked out via CompuBench and GFXBench. ... One of our readers (Vladmir Lenin) stumbled onto what is probably the first legitimate benchmark of the AMD Fiji GPU. ......