你要捐多少 (純笑話 無關政治)
New Niagara Outlet Mall slated to open this May高速公路上嚴重塞車已經有一段時間,一名駕駛人耐心在車上等候。這時候,一個人敲了他的車窗。駕駛人好奇地搖下玻璃,詢問對方的意圖。「陳水扁遭到恐怖份子綁架,歹徒打算用汽油和一根火柴燒死他,威脅立刻交付一億贖金……所以,您了解吧,我們希望大家同心協力,盡已所能一起來捐獻。」駕駛Niagara Falls Outlet Mall: Tent sales and everyday sales up… You don't need to cross the border to find some… Kids Clothing Stores in Niagara Falls at a Discount The weather is getting cooler and that means Fall is… Black Friday in Niagara Falls You don't...