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SourceForge - Official Site她是一名在Candy的部落格上,用戶名為「みずよってぃー!」的女性,讀專門學校的她分享不少彩妝技巧。但是她幾乎不看雜誌,所以這基本就是她自創的彩妝技巧,這也讓她成為Candy上的人氣部落格。 而她最近更公開了「半素顏照」,因為這種非常強烈的對比,使她受到更多人的注目…… Resources for open-source developers and a directory of in-development open-source software....


Scribus | Open Source Desktop Publishing很多正妹喜歡玩自拍,不管什麼場合,甚至連廁所這樣的私密空間也不放過,然後會把照片PO上臉書分享給好友,但自拍的時候也要注意場合,不然就會要有「悲劇」發生了........   正妹背後的人才是亮點..............▼剛洗完澡,來個素顏自拍!妳是素顏了背後那位是全素了.......Welcome to Scribus, a page layout program for Linux, FreeBSD, PC-BSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, OpenIndiana, Debian GNU/Hurd, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4, eComStation, Haiku and Windows. Since its humble beginning in the spring of 2001, Scribus has ......


Tux Paint - Download1. 昨天接到一個 不認識的電話,不像本土口音,上來就直呼我的名字!  「王總!」  「你是誰呀?」  「你的老朋友啊」  「誰呀?」  「台東的老朋友啦,連我的聲音你都聽不出來了?」 &nTux Paint is completely free software, released as “Open Source” software, under the provisions of the GNU General Public License (GPL). This means you may download it and install it on as many machines as you wish, copy it for friends and family, and giv...


Free Pascal - Official Site男:聊嗎? 女:不  男:爲什麽? 女:忙  男:忙什麽? 女:玩  男:玩什麽? 女:遊戲  男:什麽遊戲? 女:好玩的  男:什麽好玩的? 女:煩  男:煩就跟我聊? 女:滾  男:地不幹淨! 女:靠  男:給你肩膀Compiler for Pascal and Object Pascal, runs on many platforms: Amiga, DOS, Linux, OS/2, Win32. Compatible with Turbo Pascal, supports advanced features such as function overloading. IDE available. [Open Source, modified LGPL]...


Open Geospatial Consortium - Official Site有一天Lisa回 到家,看見桌上有一條新拆封的藥膏,拿起來一看,上面印著「愛夫」隆乳膏五個字 ﹔Lisa心想八成是那死鬼老公嫌自己的上圍不 夠壯觀,又不好意思明講,所以才如此暗示。為了不辜負愛夫的心意,Lisa夜間洗完 澡後,就趕忙拿隆乳膏使用﹔希望它能夠發揮「一瞑大一吋」的功效。正當Lisa努力的The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international industry consortium of 481 companies, government agencies and universities participating in a consensus process to devel......
