OpenShift by Red Hat作者:英國那些事兒 原文標題:這小哥派無人機跟蹤老婆,拍下她偷漢的整個過程...心累... 最近美國一位男性,因為用空拍機捉姦,紅遍了大街小巷..... 他叫John Consiglio,跟老婆Donna住在美國賓州的小鎮上。 看照片,小兩口當年也是你儂我OpenShift gives you all the tools you need to develop, host and scale your apps in the public or private cloud. Get started today. ... In my first 3 days with the OpenShift Online service I was able to stand up Django-CMS, Redis, OwnCloud, Sonar, Sugar-CR...