
OpenSSL: The Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS不上網的女人到家的第一件事是打開冰箱,看看里面有什么可做的菜,上網的女人到家的第一件事是打開電腦,看看論壇有什么好看的貼子;不上網的女人會用空閑的時間去做美容,上網的女人會用做美容的時間去來上網;不上網的女人會為了保養皮膚而保證睡眠,上網的女人會為了上網交流而徹夜不眠;不上網的女人常會偷偷查看老公的Welcome to the OpenSSL Project The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as...


OpenSSL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia我親愛的孩子:你不要驚慌,媽媽只不過是去洗個澡而已,你不要用面對外星空降兵的眼光看著我,我只不過是用點肥皂泡泡和很多水。放心吧,我會游泳。即便不會,我也沒有本事用幾厘米深的溫水把自己淹死。如果我沒有按時走出浴室,你也不要大驚小怪。我聽說人是不會在水里被溶化掉的,如果你不相信,我愿意親自來做這個實驗。OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols. The core library, written in the C programming language, implements basic cryptographic functions and provides various utility functions. Wrappers allowing the use of the OpenSSL libra...


OpenSSL: Source, Tarballs俺買了電腦,自然要追求時髦,人家都上網,俺怎么能夠落后?都說上網難,上網貴,俺不怕,有條件,上,沒有條件,創造條件也要上,不就是幾個電話錢么,賣頭豬啥都有了。怎么說呢,好象是先要去郵局,弄個貓,弄貓干哈,村里老年人曾經說過:貓來富,狗來貧。這不是正昭示著俺要發家致富了?好,就是它,弄個貓,使電的貓。Tarballs Here you can find all distribution tarballs (and sometimes corresponding patches) of the various OpenSSL release versions. Alternatively you can also download them via FTP from the OpenSSL FTP area under Tarballs co...


Shining Light Productions - Win32 OpenSSL放棄我是你一生的錯,你現在也許沒感到,但是總有一天你會后悔!你真是個大混蛋,我現在非常非常的恨你,恨不得沖到你家去殺你!非要真讓我生氣,罵你沒良心你才開心嗎?你真的不是普通的賤貨!他媽的,我這輩子,再說一句愛你就天打雷劈,不得好死,萬劍穿心!就算只剩你這一個男人了,我也不會再正眼瞧你,我藐視你的人格Shining Light Productions puts forth a lot of effort into developing Win32 OpenSSL. As such, if you find it useful, a time-saver, or helps to solve a frustrating problem, seriously consider giving a donation to continue developing this software. Shining L...


OpenSSL for Windows - GnuWin32也算不得暗戀有次喝多表白了一個晚上忘了她怎么答復我的了只是在手機上有條短信息:“請以后表喝多給我打電話”我判斷她生氣就知趣的躲開了大約一個月后就是昨晚MM突然打電話給我要我自己去她租住的地方一路上我邊走邊猶豫是不是要在路邊的藥房買幾個TT準備著——&mOpenSSL: open Secure Socket Layer protocol Version 0.9.8h Description The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transpo...


Heartbleed OpenSSL Exploit Vulnerability - Trend Micro USAKISS郝美麗:Sorry,我把Miss拼成了Kiss,一不小心吻了你,實在對不起。吾本良家子弟,正統少年,一向對美眉們保持一種昂首挺胸,目不斜視的高姿態,人送美名曰“孤傲太甚郎”。而至今日,竟難捺心中激情,夜秉孤燈,血餉蚊蠅,殫精竭慮,勞神傷思,給你寫這封求愛信,唉,全是你OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability introduces a level of risk and opportunity for exploit. Learn how you may be vulnerable and what you should do to address this SSL vulnerability. ... What should affected organizations do? If your server currently makes us...
