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Rainbow Nails | OPI Axxium Soak Off Gel Colors Gallery▲C8維持美式跑車的硬派線條,又融合些許歐系風格。 第八代大改款的美式超跑Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Coupe,又稱C8,去年中才於北美發表,知名改裝品牌總代理三一國際便於今年六月底引進台灣,讓偏愛與眾不同的買家能夠入手這輛話題性極高的美式超跑。 車尾望去,美式跑車輪廓Want to know what color the latest OPI Axxium Soak-off Gel Lacquer is offering? Check our Soak-off Gel Color Gallery ... OPI Educator Helen Leung 19 years of nail care practice with experience of competitions and further educations in nail servicing world...