opi a39

OPI Lacquers (Full Collection) | OBS「不是因為穿搭,是因為身材好吧!?」「穿搭不重要,身材取決一切!」看著藝人、名模、時尚部落客打扮時尚有型時,心中不免這樣想!可是穿搭時尚是一件很好玩的事,誰說時尚是瘦女孩的專利呢?不當紙片人,每個女孩們也有打扮光鮮亮麗的權利!盤點 7 位大尺碼部落客,每一個都是穿搭高手,示範穿搭技巧、更示範大女孩的Just 3 girls having fun with 100 % genuine OPI nail colors and its nail products. All our OPI products are sourced, imported and made in the USA. All pictures of nail swatches in this blog are taken with thanks from All Lacquered Up, The Polish Addict, Sc...


Coal, an Outlaw Enterprise - NYTimes.com - The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimed 為慶祝 UNITED ARROWS 成立25 週年,旗下子品牌 BEAUTY & YOUTH 也拉來關係甚好的 G-SHOCK 推出紀念錶款。事實上,雙方曾在 2011 年為慶祝 BEAUTY & YOUTH 5 周歲生日帶來過一款純黑色 AWG-M500,而今次的合作也是延續了前作的風格,不過將LAST month, the coal industry in Appalachia suffered two legal blows. Then, on Nov. 24, a Kentucky judge issued a scathing judgment against a Frasure Creek Mining settlement involving over a thousand Clean Water Act violations and years of false data on p...


Welcome Back, Cuba! - NYTimes.com - The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia LEVI’S®全新季度概念新作 Double Stitch男裝雙線系列丹寧褲 摩登雙線 大膽就型 挑戰生活中的無限樂趣 不斷引領時尚話題與流行趨勢的經典丹寧服飾品牌LEVI’S®在本季度於全球展開一項概念活動「Live in LEVI’S®」,希望透過實體和數位平台的密切互動過程,邀請穿著LEVISending in gunmen to liberate the Bay of Pigs failed, but perhaps we’ll do better with diplomats, tourists and investors. ... An uproar followed. Soon all the Chinese staff in that hotel learned, with wild surmise, that Westerners had access to tiny, invi...


Nail ArtJen Selter今年20歲,很多人開始狂熱追隨她,她已經成為了成千上萬女人的精神動力和成千上萬男人的性感標誌。Jen Selter意外發現,自從開始在健身房鍛煉,她的臀部一天天變大,並且更加緊緻有型。2012年3月,她開始曬出自己各種姿勢的鍛煉照。 文章來源I figured it was more than appropriate since I've been obsessing with this music all week and I've been re-watching all the complete seasons of The Vampire Diaries ... Spotted: Lord & Berry at CVS! Lord & Berry at CVS?!?! That's exactly what I said when I...


Three Custom Color Specialists :: Search Custom and Discontinued Shades 經過 3 年的沉寂,身為最具爭議性及惡名昭彰的設計師之一, John Galliano 今年重返時尚圈,接手 Maison Martin Margiela ( MMM )的創意總監,他將領導 MMM 旗下所有設計,包括高級訂製服、女性及男性的成衣系列,明年 Three Custom Color Specialists: High end makeup for all of your beauty product needs ... Expert advice and trial application of personalized colors for the bride-to-be and her loved ones. On-site services also available! Pink Hyacinth Watercolour the "per...


Rainyday Gallery Guide   談錢傷感情嗎?點頭如搗蒜! 親兄弟都要明算帳了,何況是情侶呢!   相愛容易相處難,如果又牽扯到「錢」 那常常還真是剪不斷、理還亂咧!   一起出國旅行的「錢」要怎麼算? 可是個大學問耶!弄不好還沒出國就先吵起來惹~ 如果對方好豪氣的要幫妳旅遊全包 那真的是大大大The 2011 Cornwall and Devon Galleries Guide Published by RAINYDAY,22 Market Jew St, Penzance. Printed by St Ives Printers, Penbeagle, St Ives. This is an Annual Publication, updated each January, further copies are available from RAINYDAY at £6 ......
