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The Winter Edit | ViviannaDoesMakeup - YouTube 中視週六晚間8點《K歌大明星》,本週六(9/30)邀請到超重量級歌手黃小琥、曾國城,超級美聲A-lin、爆發力十足的戴愛玲與聲線乾淨優美的林俊逸,一起到節目中聊天開唱!「滅絕師太」黃小琥原來與曾國城私下是好友,今同上《K歌大明星》舞台,也讓大家發現曾國城有好歌喉!一頭亮麗短髮的Alin帶來新專輯「The one where I show you my winter favourites and throw in a little gold lid, red lip, glitter tips tutorial as we go… For a daily dose of all things beauty head to http://www.viviannadoesmakeup.com/ and catch-up with my vlogs here for a peek into my week...


Elemis Freshskin Review - YouTube ▲田徑女神!(source: 左:安徽網 / 右:搜狐)   大家好我是云編~ 提到女性運動員,不知道大家心裡浮現的形象是怎麼樣子的?很多人腦中可能會想到肌肉發達、比較不會打扮的女性形象。可是編編在這裡要告訴大家,那都是刻板印象而已!今天就要跟大家分享一位運動場上的田徑女神。根**PLEASE EXPAND THIS BOX FOR MORE INFO!** Thanks so much for watching everyone! WHERE ELSE TO FIND ME: My Blog: http://fleurdeforce.blogspot.com My Vlog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/fleurdevlog Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fleurdeforce Facebook: htt...


Yves Saint Laurent Le Teint Touche Éclat Foundation 30ml - feelunique.com   哈囉大家好~我是fufu編! 今天要和大家叫的是一名日本網友意外發現自己的國中女同學現在的職業竟然是AV女優的故事。 根據老王扒的分享,一名日本網友在日本的網路論壇上發表文章,內容是發現了自己的國中同學在拍AV的事情。並且上傳了非常多對方國中時的照片作證。 照片中的女孩笑起來清純又靦Buy Yves Saint Laurent Le Teint Touche Éclat Foundation 30ml and other Yves Saint Laurent Face products at feelunique.com ... Up to 50% off All your favourites for even less in our beautiful winter… Moisturisers for all skin types Keep your skin quenched,...


Swatches: Maybelline Fit Me Foundation | *Maddy Loves ▲盤點七張小小孩在婚禮上的暴走脫序照片(source:boredpanda,以下同)   哈囉大家好~我是fufu編! 今天要和大家介紹的是在婚禮上暴走演出的小孩,大家小時候參加婚禮時是不是都覺得又臭又長又無聊呢?看來國外的兒童也跟我們一樣有類似的經驗啊。 boredpanda分享了7張Here are the swatches of all of the shades in the Maybelline Fit Me foundation. There are 18 in total being released in Canada. I didn't really play with the textures of these, so I can't say for the wear or anything, but they are slightly creamy but drie...


Review: Clarins Extra-Comfort Anti-Ageing Foundation (+ swatch comparisons) | *Maddy Loves ▲現出真面目吧!(Source:@靠北女友,下同。)   大家好,我是很怕被女友靠杯的羊編(單身中)。 其實台灣的男生相較其他國家是非常貼心的,而且也不介意在大街上放閃,或許在人潮中為女友做牛做馬,這點絕對是很可取的,或許有些人是大男人主義,不過在外卻願意放下身段,雙方的默契搭配無疑就是For Fall 2013, Clarins is releasing a new cream anti-ageing foundation - the Extra-Comfort foundation. Available in 6 shades, the Extra-Comfort foundation has an SPF of 15 and ingredients such as camellia leaf extract to ensure that the skin is supple, so...


Guest Swatcher: Maybelline Fit Me Foundation, Swatches, Photos, Reviews ▲所以為啥不能用生育獎勵金??(source: 左:lovetoknow / 右:靠北婆家截圖)   大家好我是云編~ 夫妻結婚之後,接下來的人生大事大概就是生小孩了。雖然現在不生的人愈來愈多,可是還是有很多夫妻會選擇生小孩,然而生小孩三個字看似輕描淡寫,卻包含了造人、懷胎10Guest Swatcher: Maybelline Fit Me Foundation, makeup swatches, makeup and beauty blog ... Profound thanks to Sheila of Maddy Loves, who managed to swatch Maybelline’s new Fit Me foundation using those teeny tiny samples (which, in itself, deserves a tip ....
