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The Winter Edit | ViviannaDoesMakeup - YouTube下面這位是Marie Christine von Reibnitz,她是肯特邁克爾王妃, 是英國邁克爾王子的妻子,英國國王喬治五世的孫媳婦,英國王室成員。   最近,她登上了各大媒體的新聞版面,不是因為什麼皇室活動,而是因為她寫的一本書——《一隻獵豹的故事》。 &nThe one where I show you my winter favourites and throw in a little gold lid, red lip, glitter tips tutorial as we go… For a daily dose of all things beauty head to http://www.viviannadoesmakeup.com/ and catch-up with my vlogs here for a peek into my week...


Elemis Freshskin Review - YouTube嗨嗨,大家好,我是A小姐(σ`・∀・)σ 雖然已經秋季了,不過台灣天氣還是很溫暖,也會有不少人趁著周末好天氣去海邊走走,而說到陽光、沙灘、接下來不得不接個比基尼。 說道比基尼,前幾年開始流行幾個牌子不知道大家有沒有注意到,因為女孩們穿比基尼很重視的當然還是舒適度**PLEASE EXPAND THIS BOX FOR MORE INFO!** Thanks so much for watching everyone! WHERE ELSE TO FIND ME: My Blog: http://fleurdeforce.blogspot.com My Vlog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/fleurdevlog Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fleurdeforce Facebook: htt...


Yves Saint Laurent Le Teint Touche Éclat Foundation 30ml - feelunique.com ▲日本正妹高中生舞蹈團體爆紅,演出的新造型嚇傻眾人了!   哈囉大家好~我是fufu編! 今天要來向大家介紹日本的大阪府立登美丘高中舞蹈部! 前陣子在youtube上有一部日本高中舞蹈大賽的參賽影片爆紅,就是下面這部:   光是看她們的造型就覺得相當有趣,是模仿日本1980年代Buy Yves Saint Laurent Le Teint Touche Éclat Foundation 30ml and other Yves Saint Laurent Face products at feelunique.com ... Up to 50% off All your favourites for even less in our beautiful winter… Moisturisers for all skin types Keep your skin quenched,...


Swatches: Maybelline Fit Me Foundation | *Maddy Loves  提到80歲的老人,你會想到什麼形容詞? 步履蹣跚、老態龍鍾,也許連廣場舞都跳不動了……   80歲的老人,能幹什麼? 含飴弄孫、頤養天年? 總之,好像和「折騰」二字,沒有任何關係。   但就在今年的新加坡國慶典禮上, 一位81歲的奶奶震驚Here are the swatches of all of the shades in the Maybelline Fit Me foundation. There are 18 in total being released in Canada. I didn't really play with the textures of these, so I can't say for the wear or anything, but they are slightly creamy but drie...


Review: Clarins Extra-Comfort Anti-Ageing Foundation (+ swatch comparisons) | *Maddy Loves嗨嗨,大家好,我是A小姐(つ >ω●)つ 不知道大家有沒有聽過一種說法,就是要學好一種語言,首先要學髒話(好孩子不要模仿)。不過,就還真的會有些教科書使用一些比較新穎的內容來提升學生的興趣。 例如之前日本的學校的英文課本就有出現過英文版的《涼宮春日的憂鬱》當作課文。 不過,以下由卡提諾小For Fall 2013, Clarins is releasing a new cream anti-ageing foundation - the Extra-Comfort foundation. Available in 6 shades, the Extra-Comfort foundation has an SPF of 15 and ingredients such as camellia leaf extract to ensure that the skin is supple, so...


Guest Swatcher: Maybelline Fit Me Foundation, Swatches, Photos, Reviews 絕對不是標題黨,這都是靠譜的知識!來看:   別巴西流浪蜘蛛咬到的話,會持續勃起(別高興,會很痛苦)然後可能死掉。為了救命,醫生需要用一根很粗的針插進你的丁丁,吸出變成果凍狀的血液     世界上只有兩種動物會對着鏡子欣賞自己的生殖器:人類、海豚   &nbGuest Swatcher: Maybelline Fit Me Foundation, makeup swatches, makeup and beauty blog ... Profound thanks to Sheila of Maddy Loves, who managed to swatch Maybelline’s new Fit Me foundation using those teeny tiny samples (which, in itself, deserves a tip ....
