A-lin談婚姻經營 她坦言:愛情中最大的包容需要做到「這件事」,有時只要短短一句話就好...
The Winter Edit | ViviannaDoesMakeup - YouTube 中視週六晚間8點《K歌大明星》,本週六(9/30)邀請到超重量級歌手黃小琥、曾國城,超級美聲A-lin、爆發力十足的戴愛玲與聲線乾淨優美的林俊逸,一起到節目中聊天開唱!「滅絕師太」黃小琥原來與曾國城私下是好友,今同上《K歌大明星》舞台,也讓大家發現曾國城有好歌喉!一頭亮麗短髮的Alin帶來新專輯「The one where I show you my winter favourites and throw in a little gold lid, red lip, glitter tips tutorial as we go… For a daily dose of all things beauty head to http://www.viviannadoesmakeup.com/ and catch-up with my vlogs here for a peek into my week...