回顧完 James White 鏡頭下的「性感」名人,你絕對會認為第一名超難選...
OPI Lacquers (Full Collection) | OBS 如果你是一位熱愛時尚的人,你絕對要認識 James White 這號人物,這位攝影師華麗的作品不但在GQ 受到廣大的支持,也會讓你大開眼界,為這些令人難以置信的性感照片大大鼓掌。小編保證,每一位他鏡頭底下的名人都非常的有名,光是聽到性感女星 Megan Fox 的名字你就該興奮到不行了吧Just 3 girls having fun with 100 % genuine OPI nail colors and its nail products. All our OPI products are sourced, imported and made in the USA. All pictures of nail swatches in this blog are taken with thanks from All Lacquered Up, The Polish Addict, Sc...