大陸車展女模潘春春 使出大絕G罩杯真空裝上陣了...
OPI Lacquers (Full Collection) | OBS 大陸車展為了吸引人潮,已經到了相當鹹濕灑狗血的境界,日前就在新疆烏魯木齊 2014 秋季國際車展當中,擁有傲人 G 罩杯爭議車模潘春春,再度謀殺攝影師底片,原因就是她的過激、近乎裸體的上空裝,讓現場一片攝影師以及參觀民眾瘋狂,黑丫丫的人潮把整台車完全包圍,不知道是在看車還是在看女模,簡直就是醉翁之Just 3 girls having fun with 100 % genuine OPI nail colors and its nail products. All our OPI products are sourced, imported and made in the USA. All pictures of nail swatches in this blog are taken with thanks from All Lacquered Up, The Polish Addict, Sc...