Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: OPI Nail Polish Vodka & Caviar R55 今天我們要說的人是他..... Alvarenga,一個從中太平洋的馬紹爾群島被救上來的男人。 他被救起的那會,頭髮和鬍子像灌木叢般蓬亂,手腕瘦的皮包骨頭,腳和腿腫到無法走路, 他似乎很害怕跟人眼神接觸,面對警察的問話,他支支吾吾含糊不清。 他對警察說,自己Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for OPI Nail Polish Vodka & Caviar R55 at Amazon.com. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. ... This color is such a unique spin on a red polish. It's a little bit deeper, but still brigh...