Oppo BDP-103/105/103D/105D Networked Universal Blu-ray Players - Blu-ray Forum這兩天剛好社會版有兩則如出一轍的老少配戀情,女老男少的組合,引發眾人好奇。一對是42歲的已婚女與17歲的輟學男,打工時認識,結為乾媽乾兒子,先是兒子搬去同住,後來乾脆同床同睡;另一對是39歲辣媽勾引國中兒子的高大帥氣男同學,數度發生性關係,爽到欲罷不能。 電影<畢業生>,達斯汀霍夫曼的成名作,演的就Oppo BDP-103/105/103D/105D Networked Universal Blu-ray Players Blu-ray Players and Recorders ... I like how the design of the 103 is almost identical to the 93 (I assume this will be the same with the 105 compared to the 95 as well), though I think the bu...