opportunity cost

What is an opportunity cost? definition and meaning會噴精的JB巧克力United Indecent Pleasures公司製作了市場上最精緻的陰莖巧克力。20厘米長的巧克力JB不僅形狀優美,而且裡面有白色濃汁,吃的太猛的話,你含住巧克力的嘴都Hold不住膿汁外溢~濃汁的味道可自選~好東西,價格也高,60歐元一根。 A benefit, profit, or value of something that must be given up to acquire or achieve something else. ......


Opportunity Cost | Definition of Opportunity cost by Merriam-Webster 圖片來自: buzzfeed 還記得阿珂教過的「不要再約翰去扶塔了!」嗎?世界上有很多景點就是有這些特定的拍法,如果不扶塔,那就......試著把塔收到自己褲檔裡如何(羞) 美國首都華盛頓特區,最顯眼的地標,就是他們的「華盛頓紀念碑(Washington Monument)」,除了很普通的跟紀念碑Define opportunity cost: the added cost of using resources (as for production or speculative investment) ......
