How to manage the Opt-in or First things first prompt when Microsoft Office 2013 applications are fi 如果沒有 「包小姐」 , 「男公關」一定是小廣告的代號。 從CBD樓後蒼蠅館子跟前,到弄堂老樓的掉漆牆上,高薪聘請「男公關」小廣告四處可見,落款往往是紅浪漫夜總會,和「重金求子」一樣充滿神秘感。 今天我請來一位旅日10年的男公關, 聊聊他有哪些討姑娘歡心的專業技巧。 &Overview Like the Office 2010 Welcome screen, Office 2013 shows the following First things first prompt, when a user launches an application for the first time: More Information Administrators can manage this prompt either via the Office Customization Too...