男士們請注意 5個特徵讓你成為愛情中魯蛇
Optic chiasm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 大多數女性內心都有“還是想和帥哥交往啊”這一願望吧。但是,也有即使是大帥哥,也要把他排除在戀愛男友候選之外的情況,為什麼呢?那是因為他們有讓人無法忍耐的“缺點”。日本一網站以10-29歲的234名單身女性為對象調查“即使是帥哥也讓人無The optic chiasm or optic chiasma (Greek χίασμα, "crossing", from the Greek χιάζω 'to mark with an X', after the Greek letter 'Χ', chi) is the part of the brain where the optic nerves (CN II) partially cross. The optic chiasm is located at the bottom of t...