oracle chr 13

關於Chr(13) & Chr(10)的幾個問題- 藍色小舖 BlueShop 狂熱程度破表!!!!!我本來以為enter鍵就是換行字元,那嚜按enter鍵就代表chr(13)+chr(10) 那按怎樣的鍵分別是代表chr(13)跟chr(10),又如我原文所講的,什麼是CR(歸位字元) 什麼是LF(換行字元),當我把i = InStr(1, buf, Chr(13) & Chr(10))這行改成只有i = InStr(1, buf, Chr(10))...


ASCII碼對應表chr(9)、chr(10)、chr(13)、chr(32)、chr(34)、chr(39)、chr(.. - 歐辰的專欄 - 博客頻道 - CSDN.NET 太好笑了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 這一擊~還真的不輕啊!!(-.-)最新評論 The requested URL /nagios/cgi-bin/statusmap.cgi was not found on this server emperro: 完美解決問題 表的連接方式:NESTED LOOP、HASH JOIN、SORT MERGE JOIN qqqqaaaaqqqqaaaa: 能否舉例說明,xiexie! Toad for Oracle工具的使用(一)...


Ask Tom "Sending HTML using UTL_SMTP" - Oracle 哈哈哈哈這招也太絕了吧!!!!!I asked Tyler Muth ( to answer this one since I knew he already had the code (we use it on our Oracle Calendar software shipped with the email server to send reminders for appointments). Tyler provided this answer for us: ... You are...


chr(13) chr(10) carriage return line feed CR LF | Andrew Fraser DBA 吃了包子,變成包子!Just a question. Shouldn’t it be an SQL joke, not a SQL joke, as in sedinng out an SOS (famous Police song) not a SOS? Sorry to be pedantic but I revise the English of many Spanish University professors and I always tell them an SQL and was interested to ...


ORACLE日期時間函數大全_IT客 來看看你的背包怎麼拿!源: ORACLE日期時間函數大全 TO_DATE格式(以時間:2007-11-02 13:45:25爲例) Year: yy two digits 兩位年 顯示值:07...


Aloz 的 Oracle ERP 天地 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 對於2011一堆狗屁倒灶的事!讓我們一起對它說聲!再見!幫自己在學習 Oralce ERP 時, 留一點記錄與備忘 ... 有時, 在 Toad 跑一些 SQL 要放日期的變數值的時候, 會遇到日期格式的問題. 比如, 我個人偏愛的格式是 2015-01-14, 這樣的格式在我家的系統是不行的, 所以我 SQL 寫成...
