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The Orange Box - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 元旦四天連假剛結束,不曉得大家是不是因為趕場了太多趴踢、夜夜狂歡但日日宿醉到頭疼欲裂,導致今天上班哀鴻遍野呢?而除了累趴在鍵盤上瘋狂google「解宿醉」的偏方之外,難道我們就沒有時髦一點的方法,例如,在一個舒服的地方,來場令人神清氣爽的宿醉療程嗎? 有的有的,成立於2014年、隱身在遠企附近靜謐The Orange Box is a video game compilation for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Mac OS X and Linux. The Windows and Xbox 360 versions were produced and published by Valve Corporation and released on October 10, 2007, as a boxed retail copy. A W...